An experienced investment banker will enhance your opportunity for a successful sale. Middle market companies typically engage an investment banker to assist in mergers, acquisitions and sales. Recognizing the importance of “getting it right the first time,” most sellers seek out professionals whose expertise and experience in selling similar-sized companies pave the way for a successful sale.
Sell-side Advisory
Throughout the sale process we are involved in every step of the transaction, from initial preparation through final negotiations and closing. We work closely with clients to develop and implement a sale strategy consistent with their objectives. We have been particularly successful in identifying and accessing the right universe of strategic and financial buyers.
Divestitures of Non-Strategic Units
We have worked with numerous public and privately held companies when they are seeking to sell or divest non-core and non-strategic business units and subsidiaries. We understand the technical aspects of divesting these assets and how to present them in the most advantageous way to maximize value to the shareholders.
Acquisition Advisory Services
Selectively, we assist clients in identifying and evaluating possible acquisitions. We provide assistance in developing a list of possible acquisition candidates, recommending strategies to approach and initiate discussions, negotiating the structure and terms of the acquisition and arranging financing.
The foundation of our M&A advisory is our quality of representation and transactional expertise, which results in a mutually beneficial experience for both seller and purchaser.
Our unique approach is proven to uncover and maximize the value in your business – from valuation through the closing of the transaction.
Senior-level Attention
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